Cloud Shapes
For relaxing days with clouds drifting overhead
Clouds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Sit outside on a nice day and watch them drift by overhead.
What you need
Clouds of any kind, though cumulus are often the best
Watching clouds
If the weather is nice and clouds drift through the sky, go outside and take a look. Clouds can change as they move—condensing, evaporating, and being blown by the wind. It’s fun to imagine shapes of animals or objects in the clouds. For example, do you see anything in the photo below?
There’s no right or wrong answer. Just use your imagination! And if you don’t see anything but a cloud, that’s fine too.
No clouds today? No problem! Just look at the photos below. See any familiar shapes?
More about clouds
Clouds are made of water, ice, or a mix of both. They form when water vapor (which is invisible) condenses or freezes in the air. You can often tell if a cloud is made of water or ice just by looking at it. Water clouds have sharper edges. Ice clouds have fuzzy, indistinct edges.
Want to see more clouds, or learn about wonderful cloud types? Check out the Cloud Appreciation Society, a website for cloud enthusiasts.
And whenever clouds drift by overhead, don’t forget to look up!